At AVT, the MBA student is typically 44 years old, has an average of 10 years of management experience and comes with an ambitious desire to develop his skills in management and business development
A typical MBA student at AVT can be characterized as "The ambitious middle manager who has approx. 10 years of management experience and is in the middle of an exciting career".
The person is on average 44 years old at the start of their studies and either has a desire to become even more skilled in their current role or dreams of being able to advance to the next level in the organisation.
An MBA student at AVT typically has a long or medium-term education behind them and may be in a specialist role in the organization but wants to be able to handle a more "General Manager" function, where you manage to think across all the organization's business areas and possess a more strategic understanding of the business's activities.
At AVT we also have students who do not have a long academic background, but who have worked their way up through the organisation. The academic background is not decisive. What is crucial is that the student already has a few years of practical experience with management and, in addition, has a strong desire to challenge himself and build new strategic competences in his existing position. The distribution between women and men on the programs is currently approx. 40/60 in favor of the men.
Read more about the criteria for admission here LINK
AVT's students come from all types of industries and sizes of companies and come from both the private sector, the public sector and NGOs. The participants thus come with very different personal and professional backgrounds - but all with the common denominator that they are skilled leaders who want to become even more skilled at developing their organisations. And precisely this diversity provides great value in the classroom, when participants gain completely new perspectives on current issues via the professionalism of their fellow students.
At AVT Business School you are taught by top professors from the best schools in the world. Professors who bring an international frame of reference and the latest knowledge within various research areas. Therefore, AVT's Executive MBA is of course an ambitious programme, for those who want real education - and not just "here and now" inspiration.