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What does it require to pass the MBA program?

In addition to active participation on workshops, overall a B- average for all assignments is required to pass the entire MBA program

To pass AVT's Executive MBA programme, you must have actively participated in all the programme's workshops. In addition, you must have handed in and passed the written assignments that come with each subject and have overall achieved an average grade of at least B-.

AVT uses the American grading scale, which is visualized below:

Grade Points Quality of work
A 4.0 Excellent performance
A- 3.7 Very good performance
B+ 3.3 Very good performance, but with errors
B 3.0 Good performance
B- 2.7 Satisfactory performance
C+ 2.3 Satisfactory performance, but with errors
C 2.0 Poor performance
C- 1.7 Very poor performance
F 0.0 Fail